Refund Policy

If you don’t like what you bought, please read on carefully for how to return your purchase for a refund.
Below you’ll find all the info on what you can refund, when you can refund, and how to begin the process, if you’ve recently made a purchase through the EPS market

Returning your product because you changed your mind
You can return your item unused and in original condition with proof of purchase within 14 days, and the seller will give you an exchange or refund, as long as yourreturned product meets our terms and conditions.
– If 14 days have gone by since you received the item, the seller cannot offer you a refund or exchange, unfortunately.
– Your item must be sent back to the seller in original packaging to the address the seller provides. Please do not send your purchase back to EPS Market.
– Please be aware that the seller will only process your refund once the item has been returned to and checked by its specialist; this can take up to 14 days.

By original condition we mean:

  • You’ve kept all original packaging and labels in good condition and the product can be resold at full price.
  • You haven’t used the product.
  • The product contains no personal data, any customization and isn’t registered to a user.

Unless faulty, this must be within 14 days of purchase

  • The seller will refund by the original payment method you’ve used to purchase.
  • If you are only returning some of the items on your order, then the seller will only refund the cost of those items.
  • Please note that if you return products which are outside this returns policy or if you don’t have proof of purchase, the seller will be unable to process a refund,
  • so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.

The following products won’t be eligible for exchange or refund (unless faulty or not as described):

  • Products you received over 14 days ago.
  • Products that have been opened or unsealed (other than where necessary to inspect).
  • Products without original packaging or labels.
  • Products or packaging in poor condition.
  • Products that contain your personal data or have been manufacturer-registered (customized by manufacturer).
  • Perishable goods that contain food products or which have an expiry date.
  • For change of mind reason, items listed below cannot be returned:

1. Fashion
– Swimwear
– Lingerie and underwear
– Earrings and accessories
– Socks

2. Health & Beauty
– Makeup and nail color
– Body care, shower cream
– Perfume, deodorant
– Food supplement
– Oral care products
– Hair care, hair styling product

3. Mom & Kids
-Breast pump
-Breast pads
-Feeding bottle, storage bag
-Baby products
-Baby wipes and cleaners
-Rubber teats and nipples

4. Pets
-Pet food
-Fish and aquatic pet supplies
-Pet cleaning products5. Sport

5. Sports

-Training equipment
-Massage chair
-Table tennis table
-Billiard, snooker, pool table
-Boxing gloves, sandbag
-Underwear, socks, swimwear

6. Books, Games & Music
-Books, games or movies DVD
-Music CD

7. Automotive & Tools
-Oils & lubricants
-Car care and cleaning products
-Air refresher

8. Office Equipment
-Table, Wardrobe and Assembled furniture at delivery point
-Large / oversized furniture
-Special ordered furniture

9. Electronics, Mobile Phones, Tablets & Gadget, Appliances
-All opened / seal broken items

-Free gift, gift card
-Chemical products
-Food & beverages
-Clearance items

Dispute cases
EPS Market intends for both the Customer and the Seller to communicate and agree with each other in the event of a problem with an order. If the Customer and the Seller cannot agree and Customer have pressed request a refund/return, the Seller can report the dispute to EPS Market so we can help to resolve the issue.

If the Customer requests a refund, the Seller can submit a Dispute to EPS Market by clicking ‘Submit Dispute’ on the Order page or in Personal Cabinet.

When the Customer requests a refund and if the Seller rejects, will enter the dispute process between the Customer and the Seller. EPS Market Support will contact you back to inquire more information for both Customer and Seller. The process will take within 10 working days for verification and judgment from the date of filed a dispute.

After receiving a request, the EPS Market team will investigate the dispute. and try to come up with the best conclusions for Customers and Sellers. We require buyers and sellers to provide documentation for a decision within a specified period of time. EPS Market team will endeavor to settle any dispute within 10 days of the request beingsubmitted.